Daddy’s tale

„What if Daddy disapproves?“, a witch once giggled into a bottle of wine that had no bottom. „Oh, I think he does!“ What kind of Daddy is she talking about? The one that put her in this world, or rather the one that made this world exist at all?Definitely not the one petting her headContinue reading “Daddy’s tale”

Tale about a pretty dress

Tonight‘s tale starts with a dress.This dress was worn by a witch with shoulders usually to strong for any fabric to support them and with more of those breasts than any version of a woman had ever asked for. These shapes had torn open stitches much too often, but this dress finally fit.Finally there wereContinue reading “Tale about a pretty dress”

In the need for magic – winter stolstice thoughts

With a hot fairy in front of me and my witch in the back of my head, I am looking at the dark blue sky and feel almost equipped to face it. „Don‘t forget the crazy mouse“, my witch giggles and pours us another cup. Having the choice between vanilla or hazelnut, I feel memoriesContinue reading “In the need for magic – winter stolstice thoughts”

How demons own you!

When was the last time that you have felt as if there was something in your back? You that is not a witch or a wizard, but simply a person – did the feeling not ever pass? Not even when you were pressed onto a wall, with no space in your back? And still, itContinue reading “How demons own you!”

Tale about the girl in the sugar house

What is the fate of the girl living alone in a house in the forest? Tainted in Vanilla, covered in sugar and made from delicious dreams, this is an image just as legendary as the girl inside being finally caught on fire.But what else does the world hold for her?A world that has gone dark,Continue reading “Tale about the girl in the sugar house”

Surviving the ending with my witch!

„Is it okay to microwave vodka?“, I ask my witch at 4 AM as if she‘d know. „My tea got cold.“And she giggles. „Why is there even tea in your vodka?“Yes, it is that way around. Not the other. Why?Because I once again have to deal with questions I can only ever ask my witchContinue reading “Surviving the ending with my witch!”

Lovely demonic advice

Has there been a fire?Is that why your cheeks are covered in gray and your breath is a cough?Has it made you run too fast? Chased you away when you were out of breath?Is there a gray cloud threatening your sky?Just like a storm hanging at the horizon?Ready to burst.To suffocate you.Is that why yourContinue reading “Lovely demonic advice”

How to kiss a witch!

Have you ever wondered how to find a witch that would bespell you? The one that would let you close? One that would embrace you, even grant you pieces of their skin? Gift you kisses? Tingle your soul into madness and set this world on fire? Maybe you have tried to summon one.With ice creamContinue reading “How to kiss a witch!”

How to spot witches in the sky!

Can you think of a day when the air was not breathable?When it had promised you rain, but only granted a few drops to get lost in summer heat?When you muscles were protesting?The flowers suffering in silence? And do you remember the first dark clouds of an oncoming storm?How the sky was painted in darkerContinue reading “How to spot witches in the sky!”

How to see where demons hide!

Where demons hide Would you recognize evil, if it was right in front of you?If it stared back at you, meeting your eyes with the very core of its existence? „Who said demons were evil“, my witch reminds me, and her voice made me wait for a giggling that in the light of today‘s moodContinue reading “How to see where demons hide!”

How to attend Walpurgisnacht as a real witch!

Let‘s get ready for Walpurgisnacht! It gets fucking dark and disturbing, as always! I have already once written about how and why this is a special night for witches, but this year I want to go into more detail! Are you ready to prepare yourself for this very special night? The most important night inContinue reading “How to attend Walpurgisnacht as a real witch!”

The struggle of killing a witch

“Why do witches have to suffer while the flames are eating up their body, you may have wondered.Is there not a way to punish them and end their threat to this world without commiting such an act of horror? Do we need to smell their flesh melting and listen to their screams? The screaming ofContinue reading “The struggle of killing a witch”

The guilt of the witch

What was the witch actually guilty of? This question may arise eventually. After the body was buried, mutilated and still burned in the end to make sure, the one or the other will possibly have experienced the question persisting.And while guilt is waiting at every corner in Dystopia, a response to this question may leadContinue reading “The guilt of the witch”

A witching instruction

For the following instruction, you need a broken heart!You need to be desperate and deceived to follow this guide and get back what only a witch might have stolen from you!These words are provided by those to catch you on a dark path and guide you back into the known world, where each part ofContinue reading “A witching instruction”

The witch and consequences

Some truths belong into candle light with a cup of tea, boiling hot and with sugar.Yes, witches need their sugar.And we’re not sorry. “When do you accept that you don’t always know the consequences of things”, my witch giggles, and as I scoff offended, the light dances and flickers.Of course I am aware of theContinue reading “The witch and consequences”

My favourite thing to do with needles!

Witches and needles belong together, remember? So, I think it’s time to show my favourite thing to use them for! Are you curious? Needles were so often used to prove the evil hiding inside a housewife having used her tools to patch some socks, to fix a shirt, and most-importantly of course, to work forbiddenContinue reading “My favourite thing to do with needles!”

What the witch’s body was made for

A demon needs all the functions of a witching body. They need it more than anything else in the universe. They need its flesh to drown in fluid, and its fluids to be the sea, ready to rise in a storm. A demon needs the witch to follow their demands for simple things, such asContinue reading “What the witch’s body was made for”

Tale for my angels

„What if your guardian angel is a pervert?“, my witch giggles into her hot chocolate as we try to make ourselves as comfortable as the dark months allow. With hot chocolate, vanilla scented candles, and a lot of fairylights to glow in the dark and ask for the universe to keep them safe and warmContinue reading “Tale for my angels”

The coziness of witching

„Ingredient number 5 cooked in a pretty, red pot“, a sweet voice giggles into my ear. „You‘re such a witch.“ ,I make a face and pour the strong coffee into my favorite cup. If it makes me a witch to mix it up with milk, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice … have I forgotten something here?Continue reading “The coziness of witching”

Wherever magic hides!

If you were to find a door like this in the forest, where would it lead you?Where would you want it to lead you?I‘m thinking that this may be one of the oldest dreams our funny brains ever left us with. Even when I look at cave paintings our ancestors left behind, I wonder ifContinue reading “Wherever magic hides!”

How I carry witching words with me!

As all my readers know, I started this blog when the pandemic stopped my world and for the first time I had the time to get really lost in my head! It’s not always nice what you may find in there, but some things I want to keep! Especially my new priority towards my creativity,Continue reading “How I carry witching words with me!”

The (in)sensitivity of witching

Have you ever dared to be in pain, when someone asked you not to be? Probably even the person causing it?Of all the different ways to become a witch, this is my favourite one of all!„You‘re such a drama queen“, my witch giggles into our iced coffee, on one of those hot summer days thatContinue reading “The (in)sensitivity of witching”

Broken sex

Was this body made to taste things? „I was made to taste a Vanilla Latte“, my witch giggles into the sunrise one morning.„I was made to taste this raspberry banana cupcake“, I respond. Bodies can sense so many things.Some on the outside, like the summer rain in a stormy night.Some on the inside, as theContinue reading “Broken sex”

Uterus discussion

Remember, when I introduced my witch? When I described her as a uterus-carrying being?That was more than just following a new trend of political correctness in the year of 2020. It had a very personal meaning to the both of us. With this post, I am trying to collect those thoughts when confronting the realityContinue reading “Uterus discussion”

Infectious witching eyes – a photo thread!

In the days of my witch all those centuries ago, witches were known to have eyes loaded with dreams to infect the world around them and pass on those rule breaking dreams to anyone not safely hidden away. Ever since coming across this little known witching fact, I find so many eyes I would loveContinue reading “Infectious witching eyes – a photo thread!”

Who the hell is safe?

Late at night, when the earth is shaking and thunder is pushing the skies to rain down, one may wonder how to be safe. When the sleep just won‘t sooth away the pile of unopened letters and unsaid words, the desire to not feel their threat anymore awakens. Who the hell is safe from harm?Continue reading “Who the hell is safe?”

Witchcraft! – Because Daddy is busy

Just in case you’ve ever wondered why he owns this world allows for nightmares to never end and its horrors to become true – he just got busy. The one who could forbid the demons to catch your heart in its weakest moment and lure it into darkness.The one who could defeat the monster notContinue reading “Witchcraft! – Because Daddy is busy”

How to not fail in flames!

Going down in flames is not as much fun as it may seem to a heart aching in Dystopia. Typing these words, my thoughts return to the nice man wearing a silver west over a fine shirt while explaining the model of a candle light and pointing out the 1300°C it could reach, and oh!Continue reading “How to not fail in flames!”

About all things bad and evil

„Why are bad things even allowed to happen?“, I have asked my witch more than just once during my sleepless nights, and she has giggled wisely, because that was something she had made the world wonder about so very often.And so Layla laughed. „If she ever was supposed to be Daddy‘s girl and has simplyContinue reading “About all things bad and evil”

About a witching skin

Once you have found one of those lonely ones, you might ask yourself how to recognize those witches among them?Among those living in the shadows with needles and the flesh of a murderer in their pockets, as mothers without children, or as those that simply are sleepless at night.How to recognize those that really areContinue reading “About a witching skin”

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