About a witching skin

Once you have found one of those lonely ones, you might ask yourself how to recognize those witches among them?
Among those living in the shadows with needles and the flesh of a murderer in their pockets, as mothers without children, or as those that simply are sleepless at night.
How to recognize those that really are the demons bonds, the devil‘s lovers – how to recognize those witches?

You recognize those witches by how much their skin can take.

And not by how rose-shaded their cheeks can get, or how soft they appear in sunlight – no. You test a witching skin with their own needles.
Everyone knows that witches cannot be found without those needles in their pockets.
You take these little instruments they use to summon their demons and break this world apart (what else would needles have been made for?) out of their witching hands, and you test part by part how much their skin responds, until you find a part that is numb for the pain or dried of blood.
Just think about the reasons for a witch to not respond to their her own needle anymore!
Has their demon been bleeding them out, and they still survived?
Have they felt so much pain that this one does not impress them anymore?
Once their skin has not responded, you know that they have been places they were never supposed to go, and have felt things only devils and demons could have granted then, after their soul flew out of the window.

You recognize a witch by testing how much their skin can take.

My latest feminine moment

This one not going to make an attempt in defining what being feminine actually means.It is about situations in which I notice that I am on the feminine end of a spectrum and have to take the consequences. But let me start at the beginning.Come with me back to one of the first warm days…

Daddy’s tale

„What if Daddy disapproves?“, a witch once giggled into a bottle of wine that had no bottom. „Oh, I think he does!“ What kind of Daddy is she talking about? The one that put her in this world, or rather the one that made this world exist at all?Definitely not the one petting her head…

A witching melody! Bowles released a new track!

Maybe a few of you remember that last Walpurgis night I started a little experimental band based on my witching poetry and the many talents of a good friend of mine (check Soar out on Instagram!). Recording music with a friend is a childhood dream come true. I cannot put into words how whole I…

Published by Mistress Witch writes

About the historical horror of living. Drafting my witching novel. Chasing dark, forgotten and haunted tales.

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