My haunted historical fiction place

This post is an invitation to come with me to a special place. I have a place that makes me want to tell my stories. This place feels like witches are hiding between the trees, and alchemists are challenging the world behind those glowing windows in the far. It feels haunted, fallen out of time,Continue reading “My haunted historical fiction place”

Darkness in poetry (in pictures)

I carry witching words with me to remind me of my dream of empathy. These spells are written for shared darkness and the dream of empathy in leaking souls. My dream of empathy.

Nostalgia and fragility – A history – photo post!

Places can tell so many stories. Just think of all the things walls could give away about you, if they could talk and were able to remember.Some places that I have been to with my witch felt like a kind of fairytale that I would have liked to read when I was little. Some othersContinue reading “Nostalgia and fragility – A history – photo post!”

How I carry witching words with me!

As all my readers know, I started this blog when the pandemic stopped my world and for the first time I had the time to get really lost in my head! It’s not always nice what you may find in there, but some things I want to keep! Especially my new priority towards my creativity,Continue reading “How I carry witching words with me!”

Infectious witching eyes – a photo thread!

In the days of my witch all those centuries ago, witches were known to have eyes loaded with dreams to infect the world around them and pass on those rule breaking dreams to anyone not safely hidden away. Ever since coming across this little known witching fact, I find so many eyes I would loveContinue reading “Infectious witching eyes – a photo thread!”

Burn them out of your life! – Guest post

“This card she sent. There was no sender, there was no proof it was her. But you know. Of yourse it was. Those few meaningless words. Were they a threat? Or just her way of cutting you out of her life? Does it matter? The match in your hand burns regardless. The choice was made.Continue reading “Burn them out of your life! – Guest post”

Thoughts and photos in old places!

Old places tease stories.These stories can be full of yearning. Places with an old soul can have this fascination. It is easy to glorify the past, although there never were the good old days. They were just full of different problems that were either luckily solved or forgotten. And still, an old staircase barely visibleContinue reading “Thoughts and photos in old places!”

Dystopia blossoming – impressions from the witching garden

My thoughts today are in my witching garden. I don‘t even have a garden, but for some time within the past lockdowns I have helped a friend with his while hiding away in there from everything going on around me, and since my sweat pants radius has grown with each of these times for aContinue reading “Dystopia blossoming – impressions from the witching garden”

The witch and Dystopia

I am sitting on a field at night.The second lockdown has already lasted many months and spring is arriving. This time, I am not alone with my witch. A real other person is there with me. I am having a friend with me.We are hiding after curfew far away from the street. „If we walkContinue reading “The witch and Dystopia”

Walking through Dystopia

This one is about me and my witch walking through Dystopia. Or walking away from it? One of those odd things that I started during the first lockdown and have not given up yet are daily walks for 2-3 hours. They led out of the city and into forests and fields, between haunted houses, cowsContinue reading “Walking through Dystopia”

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