Tales a place can tell

When seeing a new place, I have to figure for a while what kind of tale it has to tell. Maybe I am a bit more thin skinned than others, but it can actually take me a while and stop my thoughts until I understood what exactly I‘m feeling and where my thoughts are goingContinue reading “Tales a place can tell”

Visiting a witching city – a day in Aachen

Out of the the few times I have been there, half of them profoundly changed my life. This post is about another place that means magic for me. It will take you into another old city, into the heart of a city very meaningful for huge parts of medieval Europe. These words are meant forContinue reading “Visiting a witching city – a day in Aachen”

Visiting a witching place! The “Hexenstein” in Gerresheim

Finding history in places often feels like a reminder of darkness. At times, even walking past old buildings could have me shiver with the horror of existence, but that is a whole other issue, and as you by now may know: Witches have enough of those to offer.Very close to where I live, I foundContinue reading “Visiting a witching place! The “Hexenstein” in Gerresheim”

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