View through a haunted window! – History glimpse

„This window looks like one to stand behind and sing to be either be rescued by the love of your life or executed“, my witch giggles into my ears as I observe the window in the red castle wall, with the small squares reflecting the blue sky, and I have to agree. The window belongsContinue reading “View through a haunted window! – History glimpse”

Medieval magic! – Visiting St. Reinoldi in Dortmund

I am visiting a fascinating medieval tale today! It is about a dead body searching for a home and a self-driving carriage! Or, should I cite my witch and call this just the kind of weird little magic men could get away with while she had to burn? Let‘s take a look at this! TheContinue reading “Medieval magic! – Visiting St. Reinoldi in Dortmund”

History disrupted (and a pretty street lamp)

I didn‘t take this photo just because the street lamp looked pretty, but seriously – it does! And I was surprised to find it there where I had found it, and here we have a realization which made me quite spontaneously question my view on history in general (including an unscheduled lecture for the friendContinue reading “History disrupted (and a pretty street lamp)”

Visiting a witching place! The “Hexenstein” in Gerresheim

Finding history in places often feels like a reminder of darkness. At times, even walking past old buildings could have me shiver with the horror of existence, but that is a whole other issue, and as you by now may know: Witches have enough of those to offer.Very close to where I live, I foundContinue reading “Visiting a witching place! The “Hexenstein” in Gerresheim”

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